Button Collection

The online sewing community is vibrant and active. There’s always something going on with a button to prove you’re taking part or awards being generously handed out! Here are the online sewing projects ,challenges and awards I have been part of:

Customer Advisory Board Badge Large

The Monthly Stitch
Nominated by Caroline and Becky

The Monthly Stitch

Spring Sewing Swap

The Monthly Stitch


The Wardrobe Architect


The Monthly Stitch


The Monthly Stitch


Liebster Award

I Spy With My Sewing Eye
Indie pattern month

Sureau Sew-along

2 responses to “Button Collection

  1. This page is such a great idea, Emma Jayne! I keep getting rid of my past butttons because I had them in my sidebar and they take up so much space. Might have to copy this in the future!

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