Spring Sewing Swap Success

A few month’s back Kerry of Kestrel Makes announced the Spring Sewing Swap 2014 and having missed out by a day last year, I signed up early this year.

I was paired with Joanne of Sew Little Time, who’s blog I’d been following for a while already.

If you’ve ever taken part in a sewing swap, you’ll know that you have to turn yourself into a blog detective and get into their sewing psyche in order to put together a parcel for your swap partner. So what did my research tell me about Joanne?

  • Joanne’s Colour Palette: navy is her staple neutral, blues and reds as accent colours and a hint of nautical here and there.
  • Silhouette: gathered waists on skirts and dresses with an A-line flare.
  • Practicality: As a self-confessed “busy Mum of one” Joanne likes practical but feminine outfits, she’s fond of the Megan Nielsen’s Kelly skirt pattern in particular.

With all this knowledge I put together a sewing parcel that I hoped Joanne would like but I’ll let her reveal that to you.

What I can reveal is what Joanne sent to me… my little heart was beating with excitement unwrapping it. And I felt like I’d unwrapped three parcels because inside the first layer was some blue and purple floral fabric, a vintage pattern (dress, skirt, jacket and coat – practically a wardrobe full!) and the most amazing 70s style pattern tin.


And inside that tin was some cute and colourful stripey buttons, some Hug Snug rayon seam binding (I’ve heard good things about this stuff but never used it before so it’s nice to get to try something new) and another tin.


And inside that tin was some colourful pins.


Great detective work on my blog Joanne and thank you so much you’ve been a fab swap partner.

11 responses to “Spring Sewing Swap Success

  1. aaww you are most welcome – i’m glad you liked it. i am hoping to blog your lovely parcel today!

  2. springystitches

    This sounds like a really great idea! I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award as I really enjoy your posts. Have a look on my blog for more information. Congratulations!

  3. Wow, what a great swap! The pattern you received is fantastic – I hope you make it up at some point!

  4. The art on that vintage sewing tin is so cute! This swap looks like a success.

  5. An amazing 70’s pattern, super cute buttons, a lovely tin and some blue floral fabric – I’ll be interested to see what you have come up with for this swap.
    It looks liek you have captured Joanne’s style very well indeed x

  6. Hi Emma Jayne, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award (although I wasn’t really sure if you may already have a nomination). I have been a long-time follower of Clipped Curves and have enjoyed seeing it evolve into the fabulousness that it is today!
    Read my reasons for nominating you on my blog: http://carolinejoynson.blogspot.co.uk/

  7. Ooh I have that pattern too! Not made it yet but looks like a good wardrobe staple. Lovely parcel, glad you enjoyed the swap 🙂

Comments, tips and suggestions?