Ticking all the boxes

Occasionally everything aligns to fulfill all sewing and blogging commitments in one fell swoop. Ticking boxes for The Monthly Stitch’s Indie Pattern Month ‘New-to-me’ competition, my findings for Me Made May and Stash Diet… not to mention a winning fabric and pattern match, I present to you my Sewaholic Lonsdale Dress.

Sewaholic Lonsdale Front 4

I used stashed Fabric Freedom lawn which I purchased from Dalston Mill last summer. I have to give a special thank you to the lady who, when asked “Red or purple?” Very decisively answered “Red”.  Better to ask a stranger their opinion than blow my cash on both or walk away with neither, right?

IMG_0610 (640x480)

I want mention to Purple Stitches too. I purchased the pattern from this store (it is available as a PDF but I don’t have a working printer at the moment). I was impressed with Purple Stitches’ good value delivery price and excellent customer service. I’m not being compensated for this comment, I just like to give praise where it’s due!

Sewaholic Lonsdale Back 2

The fit of the toile wasn’t too bad but I wanted to absolutely nail the fit of the bodice so I made a number of tweaks. Taking wedges from the side seams and the centre back (zip) seam, I tapered from the bust to the original size 6 waist. I shaved off some of the curve of the centre front seam too – a cheat small bust adjustment I think but it worked for me.

Wedges to fit bust with very little ease.

Wedges to fit bust with very little ease.

Shallowed off curve at centre front seam

Shallowed off curve at centre front seam

The largest alteration I made was a sway back adjustment which for my shape landed right on the waist seam.

Sway back adjustment centered on the waist seam

Sway back adjustment centered on the waist seam

As for the skirt length, I removed 3 inches from View A (shorter) skirt so that, once hemmed, it just touched my knee. Although after a sway back adjustment to the bodice, I was forced to load up my hemline marker with chalk to make sure it was level.

Sewaholic Lonsdale Chalk hem line

On the inside I lined the skirt, pinked seams that were enclosed in the self-lined bodice and overlocked all other seams.

Sewaholic Lonsdale Inside 1 Sewaholic Lonsdale Inside 2

The pattern is beautifully drafted (I swooned over how easily the pockets came together with a professional finish) and deceptively easy to sew.

Sewaholic Lonsdale Pocket

I followed both the online sewalong and the printed pattern instructions which made for a really easy construction process with lots of extra guidance, tips, photographs and options. I like that the sewalong comes in bite-size posts… just perfect for evening sewing. In fact I was inserting the zip with a fantastic hail, rain, thunder and lightening display going on outside… also questioning why I was sewing a summer dress at all!

Sewaholic Lonsdale Back

As I mentioned, I’ve entered this dress into The Monthly Stitch ‘New-to-Me’ competition for Indie Pattern Month… so of course once the voting opens on Sunday I’d be grateful for your support!

Sewaholic Lonsdale Front 3

29 responses to “Ticking all the boxes

  1. This is gorgeous and it looks so professional! And a perfect fit! Well done! The fabric is beautiful too.

  2. Pingback: Sewaholic Lonsdale New-To-Me: a knot and a bow | The Monthly Stitch

  3. Stunning fabric and what a great fit – this looks so neat and lovely on you!

  4. This is really lovely, it looks perfect on you and the finish is so neat.

  5. this is lovely! your hemline marker is genius too – I always just have to guess haha

  6. it’s lovely! those pockets are great!

  7. Oh Emma-Jayne, this is just beautiful! Both inside and out.

  8. Oh Emma-Jayne, this is just beautiful! Both inside and out.

  9. What a successful make. It looks fabulous on you.

  10. Wow looks beautiful and so well made. Well done

  11. Your fabulous attention to detail has made for a beautiful summer dress. Now whether you get to wear it this year due to the crazy weather is another thing…

  12. scruffybadger

    Oh it’s fab!! Love it and it’s great inspiration as I’m determined to make a Lonsdale this year!! Your fabric is so pretty

  13. It’s a lovely dress and it looks great on you!

  14. What a beautiful dress! I love the colours on you

  15. Your Lonsdale looks great!

  16. Your dress is beautiful!! I love the fabric and the design – a perfect match!

  17. Pingback: Frocktober Inspiration: Sewaholic Lonsdale | The Monthly Stitch

  18. Pingback: Thurlows with Wings | Clipped Curves

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